
Greenwood Baptist Church

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Compiled by Mrs. Jeanne Judd

             Greenwood Baptist Church was organized in 1840 by a group from the Lost Creek Community who held prayer meetings in the home of Kate Austin in the Greenwood Community. Mr. Frank Austin related the following information about the early church buildings.

            "Meetings were held in the homes of friends and relatives until they could move into a log building which stood just south of where the church is now. During the early years the Nazarene and Baptist congregations used the buildings jointly. In 1918, the Baptist group erected a building of boards and batten. This building was about 40 x 60 with a divider in the middle of the house, ending just before reaching the pulpit. A raised platform with 4 to 6 benches joined the pulpit, which was referred to as the "Amen Corner." There was an organ in the building.”

               Ministers with Doyle addresses: William Myers, E.G. Robbins, Bro. Howell, William Car, M.B. Alexander, H. Crain, J.M. McClusky, William Kerr, R.F. Jones, and John Cooley.   Some pastors after 1900 were: Bro. Kerr, Bro. Pickleseimer, Bro. F.A. Judd,  Bro. Caldwell, Bro. Raymond Patterson, Bro. Fred Parker, Bro. Garvin Haley, Bro. Sam McCord, Bro. Thomas Thompson, Bro. James Holloway, Bro. Thomas Farmer, Bro. Chuck Fowler, Bro. Fate Wilson (Interim), Bro. James Bond, Bro. Brian Underwood, and Bro. Billy Lowery.

            In the early 1950's it was evident the church needed more space. Located in the middle of a cemetery there was no way to extend the building so Bro. Caldwell and members of the church spent many hours digging and preparing the basement for additional classrooms.

            In 1953, under the direction of Bro. Raymond Patterson and the church body, a new brick building was begun over the basement. In 1954 the inside was finished with beautiful ten-inch wide paneling and furnished with pine pews. Bro. Sam McCord directed the installation. Land across the road became available, was purchased and paid for in a very short time. On March 26, 1983, a groundbreaking ceremony was held.

            Members and friends of the church and Pastor Bro. Thomas Farmer all worked diligently for many Saturdays, evenings and nights toward the completion of extra classrooms, a pastor's study, office, library, kitchen, and fellowship hall in the new brick building and on September 13, 1989, the building was officially named Greenwood Southern Baptist Church Annex, just three months before our sesquicentennial year celebration!